At Paper Owl Films, we always strive to act with the welfare of our planet in mind – from the content we make to the way we make it. We implement this approach into each of our productions, and we aim to encourage children to appreciate and respect their environment. Our upcoming second series of ‘Ladybird & Bee’ is no exception to this. At Paper Owl Films, all projects achieve Albert Certification as a minimum requirement, and this has now become embedded in our studio’s environmental policy. Working towards the Albert certification, our production aims to encourage environmentally friendly practices amongst our team here at Paper Owl Films, as well as the audience, for a long time to come.
‘Ladybird & Bee’ Series Two is a 26-episode series, that sees the return of a young ladybird and bee encountering all the adventures and friends that Wild Meadow has to offer. Environmentally positive dialogue and imagery runs throughout the scripts of this show. There are many episodes where Ladybird and Bee learn more about the meadow they live in, allowing the audience to experience positive learning about different types of plants and animals, as well as how this eco-system operates. Some examples are learning about the conditions that seeds need to grow, how rain is evaporated by the sun, the roles of bees, recognising animals by their footprints and that different creatures have different strengths and abilities. Secondly, Ladybird and Bee often take delight in the nature around them throughout the series. They are often fascinated by and admire different types of flowers, colours and different types of baby animals.
To reflect the content of the series, ‘Ladybird & Bee’ Series Two is produced in a way that is as eco-friendly as possible. This is being lead from the top down by our core team – our director and production team have been trained in running a sustainable production by attending the Albert training sessions. Whilst all crew on this project are working almost entirely remotely, they have been informed on climate change as well as encouraged to make sustainable adjustments to their lifestyles, both inside and outside of work. We have also encouraged suppliers to help contribute to reducing our carbon footprint on this production.
Extensive travel was avoided by using a local cast where possible, and printouts were avoided by following our ‘opt-in’ green policy. We will also be offsetting our carbon emissions at the end of production by contributing financially towards a project. On a recent production, ‘Happy the Hoglet’, we did this by supporting the generation of renewable wind energy in Brazil.
In taking all of these small steps to make this production as environmentally friendly as possible, we have been able to stand by the key environmental message woven throughout our production. Our shows reflect the ways in which we can engage and enjoy our environment safely and sustainably, ensuring that it can be enjoyed and valued by generations of children to come.
Finally, we would love you to take care of your local area too, by looking after your local Ladybird and Bee! Here are some ways you can do that:
Grow bee-friendly plants that are rich in pollen and nectar – you don’t need lots of space, bee gardens can be established in window boxes and flowerpots. Ladybird like pollen-rich flowers too, such as dandelions, angelica, butterfly weeds and geraniums.
Avoid treating your garden and green spaces with synthetics – instead use organic products such as compost to aid soil health.
Plant and care for trees – bees get most of their nectar from trees!
Provide shelter for ladybirds so they have a protective hideout from predators. They like low groundcover plants like oregano and thyme.
Create a ladybird and bee bath – fill a shallow bird bath or bowl with clean water. Arrange some pebbles inside so when they break the water’s surface, they will be able to land on the pebbles and take a drink of water.